SHR Under 23 Championship
Runners must complete any 3 out of 5 races, and must be under 23 on the day of the race.
Eligibility: Runners must be under 23 on day of the race. To receive a prize, they must also have Scottish eligibility i.e. be Scottish by birth, by residence, or via a first claim Scottish club.
Scoring: Runners count their 3 best races. Points are awarded from 41 for the 1st, 39 for the 2nd, 38 for the 3rd etc., i.e. the leading runner gets a bonus point. The winner will be the runner with the highest cumulative score. If two runners have the same
score, the person with the better aggregate score over the three races will win. If this still results in a tie, then the position will be shared.
Awards will be presented to the first 3 men & women. Mementos will be given to all runners who are SHR members and have completed at least 3 races
Further Information
Further information on the races can be found in the Scottish Hill Runners calendar. If you have any queries please contact Championships Statistician.
SHR thanks the individual race organisers for providing their races as Championship counters.
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