Long-Distance Records |
These Long-Distance Records were originally compiled by Alastair Matthewson and are now maintained by Peter Duggan (email shr@petestack.com).
The purpose of this resource is to bring together all known long-distance hill running records in Scotland.
The Long-Distance pages
contain descriptions of runs varying from a few hours to many
days. Some of the routes require competence in rock climbing techniques, for example the
Cuillin Ridge traverse.
Any challenging hill expedition, excluding organised races and not requiring motorised transport, will be considered for inclusion.
Long Distance Hill Running in Scotland
There has long been a tradition amongst runners and mountaineers in Scotland
of making long foot journeys in the mountains. Many proponents of this activity
have had no intention of setting records. The attraction is in the pleasure of
moving quickly and safely in the mountain environment as well as the personal
physical challenge. Yet human beings are a competitive bunch — records exist,
and this resource sets out to document them.
Martin Stone's Long Distance News Summary in the FRA journal "Fellrunner" is
a very useful source for current happenings, and deals with the rest of the
UK as well. See also Chapter 5 of The Munro Phenomenon by Andrew Dempster
(1995, Mainstream).
The following information has come from a variety of diverse sources, including
personal communications, and these are at all times acknowledged in the text,
abbreviated as follows:
BH = Ben Humble, The Cuillin of Skye (Robert Hale 1952) |
CCJ = Cairngorm Club Journal. |
FR = The Fell Runner magazine |
GS = Gordon Stainforth, Cuillin — Great Mountain Ridge of Skye (Constable 1994). |
HS = Hugh Symonds, Running High (1991, Lochar Publishing; Appendix IX by Martin Stone) |
MM = Martin Moran, The Munros in Winter (1985 and 1998, David and Charles) |
MT = Munro's Tables (ed. D. Bearhop, 1997, SMC) |
SHR = Scottish Hill Runners magazine/newsletter. |
SMCJ = Scottish Mountaineering Club Journal |
TAC = The Angry Corrie — fanzine for hillwalkers, trigophiles and cartographic pedants |
WHM = W.H. Murray, Mountaineering in Scotland (1947, Dent). |
If you can improve the accuracy of this resource, break any of the records
yourself (or know of anyone who has), or would like to add your own
long-distance run to the record books please contact Peter Duggan as advised above.
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