Peter took over as Convenor from Roddy Pugh after the committee meeting in December 2020. Roddy had served for four years.
email: convenor@scottishhillrunners.uk
Secretary (also contact for Race Insurance)
Jill took over from Hilary Ritchie as Secretary at the AGM in 2019. Also responsible for race insurance.
Race organisers should download the insurance registration form and follow the instructions on the form for submitting their race details. Failure to follow the instructions could invalidate any application. Please go to Insurance which can be found on the About SHR menu.
email: secretary@scottishhillrunners.uk
Committee Member
New member December 2021. Kirsty says: Hill running is an incredible sport ... such an inspiring community of individuals ...
email: committee5@scottishhillrunners.uk
Committee Member
Angela finds advertisers for the SHR calendar and now works for Scottish Athletics as the National Lead for Hill and Mountain Running. She is neutral!
email: committee6@scottishhillrunners.uk
Championship Statistician - co-opted committee member
Andy has been a member of SHRA/SHR since its formation and has served on the Committee for most of that time in roles such as Treasurer, East District Rep., Ordinary member and, currently, Statistician. He runs for Carnethy Hill Running Club.
email: committee10@scottishhillrunners.uk