100 runners arrived to take part in the annual Caerketton race on a lovely summer’s evening. We also had 8 youngsters along for the junior race. Development work at Hillend continues but still managed to run more or less the same route as recent years with only the start line moving a little bit further up the hill.
Csoban Balogh of Carnethy was first home in a new record time of 17:11. Emily Atkinson of Haddington RC defended her title from last year and was first female home in a time of 22:02 exactly 2 mins quicker than her winning time last year.
Overall male:
- Csoban Balogh, Carnethy : 17:11
- Moray Pryde, Lothian : 17:44
- Sasha Chepelin, Carnethy : 17:58
Overall female:
- Emily Atkinson, Haddington : 22:02
- Polly Edward, Carnethy : 22:40
- Laura Dozier, Carnethy : 23:43
V40 winners:
Robin Wilkins, Ochil HR : 19:24
Kirsty Gray, Lothian : 32:36
V50 winners:
Jamie Thin, HBT : 23:25
Heather Bruce, Lothian : 30:44
V60 winners:
Harry Gilmore, Carnethy : 25:20
Pauline McAdam, Lomond HR : 36:51
Thanks to all the helpers and marshals on the night, very much Appreciated. Special thanks to Hilary Spenceley, who attempted to cut back the gorse using a pair of scissors from her first aid kit! Apologies, will check out the course next year in advance with a set of shears!
Stewart Whitlie
Full results on the SHR results tab